Tuesday 8 April 2014

[Build Great Backlinks] TITLE

Build Great Backlinks has posted a new item, 'You'll Cry Tears of Joy When You
Learn how Easy Viral Videos Can Be'

<p>Posted by <a
Today, I'm super-excited to introduce our latest product from Moz, MozWorthy!
It's a tool that takes your regular (perhaps even boring) videos, adds some
oomph and pizzazz, and makes it go viral.
With so much talk about content marketing on the rise—and guest posting on
the decline—we wanted to build something that helps in both instances. You
make the video—heck, it doesn't even have to be that great—and we do the
Check out the video we used as the test. What started out as just a regular
old video, turned into a HUGE HIT around the world. In fact, it was the original
version of the internet famous <a
href=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpbDHxCV29A>FIRST KISS video</a>.
<p style=text-align: center;>
<iframe src=http://www.youtube.com/embed/fKwxd5ElB6Q allowfullscreen=
frameborder=0 height=360 width=640>
You can jump in and give MozWorthy! a try now, or read a bit more about why we
made it, see some examples, and learn how it works.
<div style=text-align:center;>
<a href=http://mozworthy.moz.com style=text-align:center;
onclick=_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'MozWorthy', 'Launch', 'Blog Post CTA']);>
<p class=cta cta-large button-yellow
Start using MozWorthy!
<h2> How it began</h2>
At the end of February, many of us at Moz participated in Ship It Week. This
was a time when we focused on using all our internal talent, enthusiasm, and fun
to collectively come together and innovate. This meant more than just coding and
building things, but working to build new ideas, frameworks, and anything else
we could imagine to innovate at Moz. MozWorthy! was one of the tools we created.
Our top-rated Ship It Week project is a tool that helps you learn the names of
all the Mozzers, called Name That Mozzer. It was built as an internal tool only,
to help staff get to know others on the team. A big thanks to <a
href=http://moz.com/about/team/brandon>Brandon</a> for all the work he
put into making Moz a better place!
<p style=text-align: center;>
Although that one was a favorite among staff, we knew that several other
projects would be used and loved by the community. For example, <a
href=http://moz.com/about/team/petertheyeti>Peter Bray</a> built <a
href=http://zoomprofiler.com/>Zoom Profiler</a>, a tool that allows
users to very quickly analyze a competitor, influencer, or customer to find
their most important relationships, their top tweets, and their top content
At the same time, <a href=http://moz.com/about/team/evan>Evan</a>
came up with the idea of making it easier for people to get their videos to go
viral. As a team, we thought our customers would really love it as well, so we
jumped in full force: The product, design, dev, and marketing teams got together
to create something truly helpful!
<div style=text-align:center;>
<a href=http://mozworthy.moz.com style=text-align:center;
onclick=_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'MozWorthy', 'Launch', 'Blog Post CTA']);>
<p class=cta cta-large button-yellow
Start using MozWorthy!
<h2> How it works</h2>
Ok, ok, let's get down to the real dirt. How does this baby work?! It's quite
simple, and it only takes a few steps to find yourself in viral video world.
Upload your video to YouTube. (Right now, the tool only works with YouTube
videos, since it's still in its infancy. However, we plan on adding Vimeo,
Wistia, and other platforms soon.) If you already have a video on YouTube that
you'd like to use, that's great too.
Give it a basic title; you don't need anything fancy here. We'll do the work
for you!
Once your video is uploaded, head on over to mozworthy.moz.com to add the
link to your video and fill out a couple of key attributes.
Hit submit! Then we do the rest for you.
<h4strong>Viral title generator</strong/h4>
Once you submit your video, we take it and process both the video and title.
Using super-special Moz data based on what words are the most clickable and
linkable, we create a viral title for you. A combination of your title,
attributes you added, and the addition of highly viral keywords will be used to
make your title as ahhMOZing as possible.
<h4strong>Video enhancements</strong/h4>
But we don't want to stop at just the title. We also take your video and make
enhancements to it that will make people love it even more. Honestly, your video
doesn't even have to be all that good, and we'll make it great. I mean, everyone
wants to do mediocre work and press an easy button to make it awesome, right?
<h4strong> Increased social shares</strong/h4>
Creating a great title and updating the video are all good and great. But what
you really want is for people to see it, right? Cool. We help with that too.
You'll see social shares across all the major platforms (Twitter, Facebook,
Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube) go up practically instantaneously.
<p style=text-align: center;>
<h2>A couple examples</h2>
Ok, I know you all well, and you're not going to settle until you see exactly
how it works. Which is cool, so I have a few examples to show you the kind of
virality I'm talking about here!
<strong>This One Weird Trick Will Keep You Energized All
<p style=text-align: center;>
allowfullscreen= frameborder=0 height=360 width=640>
This one is fairly straightforward, but wow, look at that title! <br>
<strong>You'll Never Believe What This Former Philologist Caught on Video
<p style=text-align: center;>
allowfullscreen= frameborder=0 height=360 width=640>
This is just a short, simple video as you see. But with MozWorthy! we were
able to add oomph to the video, and make the title something that even your
grandmother will want to share.
So, what are you waiting for? Go check out MozWorthy! right now, and see what
we can do for your social shares!
<div style=text-align:center;>
<a href=http://mozworthy.moz.com style=text-align:center;
onclick=_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'MozWorthy', 'Launch', 'Blog Post CTA']);>
<p class=cta cta-large button-yellow
Start using MozWorthy!
</divbr /pa href=http://moz.com/moztop10>Sign up for The Moz Top
10</a>, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of
SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your
exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to

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Build Great Backlinks

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