Monday, 13 May 2013

[Build Great Backlinks] TITLE

Build Great Backlinks has posted a new item, '#MozCon 2013 Agenda'

Posted by Erica McGillivray

Holy cannoli, it's MozCon 2013 Agenda time! July 8th-July 10th here in Seattle
are going to be out-of-this-world.

I know many of you have been asking for the complete MozCon schedule, and we've
been working hard with all our 2013 speakers to find those perfect words to
express how awesome MozCon's going to be. I'm thrilled for the variety of
programming we'll have from local SEO and mobile content strategy to video and
marketing analytics. There will be plenty of amazingess to fill your brain.

You'll see that we have some MozCon favorites returning like Avinash Kaushik,
Wil Reynolds, and Joanna Lord, and we've invited some great new folks like Kyle
Rush, Karen McGrane, and Dana DiTomaso. Those are some insanely smart industry
experts! You'll learn a ton of actionable info to take home and start
implementing on your site(s) right after MozCon.

And for those of you wanting to know about the party... This year we're raising
the roof of the EMP Museum. That's right, we wanted to meet and greet our
community while hiding from Daleks. We've listened to your needs, and the EMP's
amazing space works for those who want to rock out to karaoke as well as those
interested in quieter conversations with a new friend.

Sing your heart out if you choose.

If that hasn't got you purchasing your ticket yet...

MozCon 2013 Agenda


8:00am - 9:00am Breakfast

9:00 am - 9:30am Intro: The Year in SEO, Marketing, and Moz with Rand Fishkin

9:30am - 10:00am Really Targeted Outreach with Richard Baxter
Weve all sent guest post pitches and "link building requests" and begged for
precious links any way and anywhere we can. But, that simply isnt marketing. We
have all the tools for a better way of finding our audience and determining what
they love. Richard will show you a data-driven approach to marketing your brand
to your target audience. No more guesswork, youll know exactly how to get the
right eyeballs on your content.

10:00am - 10:30am International SEO and the Future of Your ROI with Aleyda
Take a bold step into the international market. Aleya will walk you through how
to calculate the possible ROI of international sales, how to sell it to your
boss or client, and the practical how-to's of international implementation on
your site.

10:30am - 10:50am Break

10:50am - 11:50am Simplifying Complexity: Three Ideas For Higher ROI with
Avinash Kaushik
One of the awesome realities of our existence is that we have to deal with a
lot of complexity. Often the natural response to that is to try and overpower
that with even more complexity. In this session, we'll apply the Occam's Razor
to three user cases and learn practical tips.

11:50am - 1:20pm Lunch

1:20pm - 1:50pm Wordless Wednesdays: How to Swaggerjack the Power of Visual
Memes with Lena West
Image-heavy, responsive websites are all the rage, but can be problematic for
SEO, load times, and other inbound marketing concerns. But how does this balance
out with the popularity of images-based memes like "Wordless Wednesday"? Lena
will examine these visual memes and their impact on traffic, and she'll talk
about how you can parlay the power of visual memes into serious search and
traffic results.

1:50pm - 2:20pm Rapid Fire Link Building Tips for Your Content with Ross
You've built your content and made it King. Now what? Ross teaches you how to
take your content and turn it into links for your site. Whether you're just
hunting for backlinks or building up social shares, you'll find all the tips to
get your community engaged and building those links for you.

2:20pm - 3:00pm Hot Off the Press: 2013 Ranking Factors with Matt Peters
Moz's data scientist Dr. Matt walks you through the 2013 Ranking Factors. He'll
be breaking down Google's cutting-edge ways of how they figure out if your pages
are relevant beyond keywords. You'll walk away with an understanding of the data
and the knowledge to craft a sound SEO strategy.

3:00pm - 3:30pm Strings to Things: Entities and SEO with Matthew Brown
In the last year, Google and Bing have both indicated a shift to entity-based
search results as part of their evolution. Google has unscored this point with
rich snippets and Knowledge Graph, and Bing has now upped the ante on personal
search results with Bing Snapshots. Find out how you can adopt strategies to
stay ahead of the curve in the new world of semantic search results.

3:30pm - 3:50pm Break

3:50pm - 4:20pm The Mobile Content Mandate with Karen McGrane
Do you think "no one will ever want to do that on mobile"? Chances are, someone
already wants to. Karen will discuss why you need to deliver content wherever
your customer wants to consume it and the risks of ignoring mobile users.
She'll also explain how to start your mobile content strategy, define what you
want to publish, construct the relationship between your mobile and desktop
site, and evolve your editorial workflow and content management tools.

4:20pm - 4:50pm Building a Better Business with Digital Marketing with
Mackenzie Fogelson
Extraordinary businesses and communities are built with a higher purpose than
just making money. Mack will walk you through how you can achieve bigger
objectives for your clients or for your own business. Using the power of digital
marketing tools (along with passion and hard work), you'll learn how to shape
and foster your company and the community around it.

4:50 - 5:20pm The 7 Heavenly Habits of Inspired Inbound Marketers with Dharmesh
Curious about how some of the world's best inbound marketers work? How do they
come up with ideas for content? What's their policy on handling Twitter
mentions? How much do they really spend on A/B testing? Dharmesh will walk you
through these habits and more.


8:00am - 9:00am Breakfast

9:00am - 9:30am Building a Winning Video Marketing Strategy with Phil
Phil's going to guide to you through the process of building a video content
strategy from inception to launch. He'll explain the creative and technical
tactics required to win the internet with video. By the end of this session,
you'll know where to host your video, how to optimize it, what kind of content
you should be creating, and how to get professional quality returns without
spending a fortune.

9:30am - 9:45am The Next Generation of Mozscape with Phil Smith
As we crawl the web, collecting data, our Mozscape has run into a few pitfalls
as we've grown. Phil's been working on an incremental indexing for the next
generation of Mozscape, and he'll give you insights on how this faster, fresher,
and scalable index will be useful to you.

9:45am - 10:00am How to Moz Lingo: Cross-Team Communication When Crisis Hits
with Carin Overturf
Mozzy does not alway mean bright and shiny. Sometimes things go south, and it's
these times when good communication across all teams, technical and
not-so-technical, is critical. Carin brings the tactics she's learned about
effective crisis management after surviving a few storms as a technical manager
on the Mozscape team.

10:00am - 10:15am Empower Your Customers to Become Your Evangelists with Aaron
You have the power to turn customers into one of your strongest, most
cost-effective marketing teams. By creating great experiences for customers
during good times and bad, they'll share their successes and demonstrate the
value you've given them to a broader audience, much to the delight of your
marketing and customer service teams.

10:15am - 10:30am Engineer Your Life: Agile for Work and Play with Miranda
Agile development, it's not just for software companies anymore. Miranda will
show us how you can use an agile process to plan anything from side-projects,
marketing launches, and personal improvement goals. You'll come away with
templates and processes to try in your own team or at home!

10:30am - 10:50am Break

10:50am - 11:20am Let's Play for Keeps: Building Customer Loyalty with Joanna
We all know that customer loyalty is a key ingredient in building brands,
hitting revenue goals, and cultivating a community. Joanna will walk you through
how the landscape has changed, and she'll leave you with tools and tips on how
to build customer loyalty that lasts.

11:20am - 11:50pm Ecommerce SEO: Cutting Edge Tactics That Scale with Adam
Fight Panda and other modern SEO realities by using the best on-page techniques
and content strategies for your ecommerce site. Adam teaches you how to
sustainably improve your click-through-rates as SERPs become noisier and
properly prepare for G+ and Graph Search. Then he'll round things out be giving
practical advice on how to build your ecommerce team and work flows.

11:50pm - 1:20pm Lunch

1:20pm - 1:50pm Building Your Business: Relationship and Other Critical "Soft"
Skills with Brittan Bright
Ever dealt with a difficult client or a boss who just didn't understand?
Brittan teaches you essential relationship building skills and tips and tricks
for making your business interactions smooth and easy. Whether you're always
putting out fires or pitching new ideas, you won't want to miss this.

1:50pm - 2:20pm Win Through Optimization and Testing with Kyle Rush
Kyle shares his knowledge from the front lines of the most intense web campaign
to date: the 2012 US presidential election. His team won big for Obama with a
data-driven approach. Kyle will explore tactics like how they increased
donations by 49% and help you implement these wins for your site.

2:20pm - 2:50pm How Gender and Cultural Differences in Web Psychology Affect
the Customer Experience with Nathalie Nahai
Are you missing half your audience? Your site may be giving off the wrong
psychology signals and causing potential customers to click away. Nathalie
covers how gender and cultural differences impact your business and winning
tactics to change the message and convert more customers.

2:50pm - 3:20pm Breaking Up with Your Keyword-Based KPIs with Annie Cushing
Raise your hand if you hate (not provided)? Annie shows you how to raise your
battle cry by finding your keyword data elsewhere. By changing your focus from
(not provided) to what your landing pages can tell you, you'll be able to audit
your site even better than before.

3:20pm - 3:40pm Break

3:40pm - 4:10pm Next Level Local Tactics: Making Your SEO Stand Out with Dana
Competing against giant brands in the Local SEO space can be daunting, but
Dana's here to turn your epic battle into an epic win. She'll show you how to
put personality into your local search efforts so that local searchers want to
know who you are. Dana's practical tactics and advice for thinking around the
problem will crank your creativity up to 120%.

4:10pm - 4:40pm End-to-End Local Optimization with David Mihm
The paradox of Local Search has always been that it's one of SEO's most
time-consuming areas, and yet, the businesses who stand to gain the most have
the smallest budgets and limited internal resources. Whether you're an agency
serving SMB clients or a large brand with hundreds of locations, scaling your
efforts is critical. Learn how to increase the efficiency of your Local
optimization process with these tips and tools from David.

4:40pm - 5:10pm Cater to Your Audience via UX with Allison Urban
User experience is critical to making your audience feel your site, services,
or products are for them. Allison will use case studies to show why UX matters
and how it conveys respect for your customers. Then she'll deliver tactics and
advice she learned while working on MailChimp's redesign.

5:10pm - 5:40pm Living in the Future of User Behavior with Will Critchlow
As the technology space constantly changes, users and their behavior adjust
with the tide. But what should we do? Will takes a look at where the trends are
going and gives you the tactics and tips to keep up and maybe get ahead of the

7:30pm - 11:00pm Party at the EMP


08:00am - 9:00am Breakfast

9:00am - 9:40am Beyond 10 Blue Links: The Future of Ranking with Pete Meyers
In the year since we launched MozCast, the face of Google has changed
dramatically. Weve seen the roll-out of 7-result SERPs, the rapid expansion of
Knowledge Graph, mass-adoption of authorship, and dozens of new features, rich
snippets, and widgets. Ranking is no longer just a number, and achieving it is a
moving target. Find out how to think like a brand and carve out a place in the
SERP of the future.

9:40am - 10:10am Using Metrics to Build Social Media Engagement with Carrie
Between Edgerank, noise, and upcoming networks, social metics are daunting.
Carrie will show you what makes interesting content, how to track links, read
metrics, and keep your followers hungry for more. By testing and trying new
things, she's built up a 25-50% engagement rate for ThinkGeek's Facebook and you
can too for your brand.

10:10am - 10:30am Break

10:30am - 11:00am The Search for Company Culture and Why It Matters with Sarah
Whether you realize it or not, your company has a culture. Is it helping you or
holding you back? Learn how to identify your company culture, foster the culture
you want, and avoid common pitfalls. Sarah will share what she's learned at Moz,
and why what works for one company might not work for yours.

11:00am - 12:00pm Why the Internet Hates Us and Can #RCS Change That
Perception? with Wil Reynolds
Post-MozCon 2012, Wil has been focused on helping you get things done by using
#RCS paired with facts and figures from his own company, his clients, and
insights from 30 members of top US design agencies. He's also been reviewing the
successes, the failures, and the steps his team put into place for change. Wil
wants to get the word out that it's time to stop chasing all the shiny SEO

12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch

1:30pm - 2:00pm Building Your Community From the Ground Up with Jen Lopez
What if we had to start over and rebuild the Moz community from scratch? Jen
walks us through the steps, from how to start building an audience all the way
through to how she'd build her team. Learn actionable tactics and deep insights
that you can apply to building your community, both internally and externally,
for your business.

2:00pm - 3:20pm Community Speakers!
This could be you! We're having four community speakers. Have you tossed your
hat in the ring? Applications due Tuesday, May 14th at 5pm PDT.

3:20pm - 3:40pm Break

3:40pm - 4:40pm The Secret Ingredients of Better Marketing with Rand Fishkin
Content bombards our online experience. Ads and salespeople interrupt us. But
every now and then, marketing is truly remarkable and its message transforms
from unwelcome to irresistible What makes it stand out? Why do some companies
inspire us to take action and to share them? The ingredients have been hidden
too long. It's time we discovered the what, why, and how behind crafting better

4:40pm - 5:10pm Ultimate Q&A
Get your questions answered by our amazing speakers. Unlike the traditional
give-it-up, Ultimate Q&A gives you the opportunity to pinpoint what amazing tips
you'd like to know and gives you the actionable and inspirational information
you crave.

Wowzers, that's a lot of crazy amazing stuff. See you there!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten
hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think
of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but
want to read!

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Best regards,
Build Great Backlinks

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