Monday, 27 January 2014

[Build Great Backlinks] TITLE

Build Great Backlinks has posted a new item, 'Applying Lessons from the
Publishing Industry to SEO Consulting'

Posted by SarahKershaw
"Search has been less and less relevant since Facebook released News Feed. Now
we get the vast majority of our traffic via social, and about 1-2% from search"
â Chris Dannen from Fast Co Labs

"We benefited a ton from an early SEO audit thanks to IAC's SEO pros, but once
the right framework was in place, it's been up to us as content creators to
really dig deep into Google Analytics to determine where the opportunities
â Jordan Shakeshaft, editorial director of Life by DailyBurn

"None" was another person's response to my question about the role of SEO
within her company. "There's very little of actual value in it for us." This
from a respected British magazine.

In preparation for this post, I started thinking about publishers and their
plans for 2014, specifically their growth strategies for the coming year. My
thought was that as the publishing industry usually leads the way when it comes
to new content techniques and products, it is at the forefront of publishing
initiatives. As publishers blaze new trails, we as consultants have the
opportunity to learn by proxy, observing what has worked and what has not. These
observations can then be applied to our own clients' content creation. In this
post-panda arena, the scramble to produce high-quality, compelling content is as
real as ever, and lessons need to be learned fast. Let the publishing industry
be your guide; come, walk with me.

In researching this post, I spoke to a combination of editors, industry
analysts and publishing company employees. The quotes are representative of my
contacts and their responses, but it is in no way comprehensive for the
publishing industry as whole.

As per the quotes above, the sobering reality is that, at best, publishers see
SEO as just one small part of their marketing strategy. Moz's very own legend,
Dr. Pete, has been trying to tell us this for a while, encouraging the search
community to look beyond rankings. Our goal as consultants is to continue to add
value in this altogether more varied landscape. The good news is that we can if
we leverage our technical knowledge and use this to present some of the newer
ideas, beyond our usual scope, to our clients.

This post is an examination of some of the other opportunities publishers are
pursuing this year, along with my dreams for what they could be doing and some
tips on how to present these ideas to clients.

What are publishers doing for growth?
1) Investing in site redesigns

The internet was all aflutter earlier this month, when The New York Times
launched its site redesign. That project, in addition to generating buzz,
traffic, and links, was the site's first major redesign since 2006. The main
visual changes include:

Changing of fonts and font colours so it more closely resembles the print
edition. The links from the home page to the categories page are now black, not
blue for example.
Article comments now appear on the right-hand side of the article, allowing
comments to receive the same level of visibility as the article.
Infinite scroll, rather than pagination.
A much more minimal look on article pages with more white space.

This redesign freshens up the look of the page as a whole and the cleaner,
sparer UI is more in keeping with what other publications are doing. This video
from Fi talks us through its process for redesigning, which has
several design features in common with the Times' update.

The insight: Good design matters.

Your access point: When presenting ideas of this ilk to your clients, it is
important to be in cahoots with the designers. Your aim is to collaborate in
these projects, ideally from initial conception. The advantage of being an
outsider weighing in on a site redesign is that you are invariably not bound by
the limitations of a CMS or the like; you are free to see the site and where it
stands in relation to industry competitors with a detached view. You can
represent SEO and call on your experiences with redesigns to offer suggestions.

2) Embracing social

You probably already know that social networks are an increasingly important
means of discovery, and amongst the under-45s, they are the most popular method
of finding content. Social becomes more and more important as user groups get
younger. For example, 44% of 18- to 24-year-olds rely on social, versus just 19%
of users over 55. This is illustrated by this graph from the Reuters Institute's
Digital News Report 2013:

Clearly, if you wish to build long term trust with your users, social networks
are critical for getting your content in front of younger users. It goes without
saying that social networks are also now critical for engagement among all age

What is surprising is the extent to which publishers are still missing this
opportunity, whilst newer companies such as Upworthy and Buzzfeed are swooping
in and winning traffic. This recent article from the Media Briefing visualizes
how some of the media players are doing on Facebook, and the newsworthy part is
that none of the more established players feature at all. In short, they are not
getting it right. The winners in this particular data set are companies that
have been formed within the last eight years (Buzzfeed was formed in 2006,
Upworthy in 2012); the Huffington Post is the old guard here, and that is only
nine years old.

The results are clear Upworthy and Buzzfeed have mastered the sort of content
that gets people sharing. Whilst the audience may eventually tire of cats in
unlikely situations, photoshop-shaming, and listicles, you can be sure that both
companies are investing time and effort to evolve from their current strategy.
Mark Suster expanded on this idea in a recent post, saying "I think companies
like Upworthy can build really compelling businesses in the future â but
I'm willing to bet serious cash ... that it won't be by sticking to the playbook
[that is, writing content to generate as many social shares as possible] that
has worked tremendously well to date."

The insight: For all of the chatter about social networks, publishers are
still not getting it right.

Your access point: Present working in social networks as a series of
easy-to-implement A/B tests.

Using the Upworthy premise, as outlined below, clients have a quick, clean
testing method that should give them confidence to test their social network

Upworthy produced a wildly popular slide deck back in 2012 that outlines some
of their tactics, which makes for an interesting read. The key takeaway,
regardless of the sort of content your client might produce, is the idea of
testing multiple headlines. Upworthy writes 25 different headlines for a post,
and then tests the headlines in two demographically similar cities within
Facebook for an hour or so. They then push the headline with more shares.

This is both agile and data-driven; keep this example in mind, as it's
deliciously simple and reasonably easy to implement. It can also be applied to
subheadings, images, and more. As consultants, A/B Testing is very much within
the traditional scope of your work. By using this experience (and the client's
trust in this experience) you are moving into new terrain via a familiar method.

Let social embrace you back

To approach the opportunities of social networks from another angle, Facebook
and Twitter are both making a concerted effort to woo publishers. Facebook's
algorithm tweak in August 2013 has increased the amount of traffic sent to news
sites. Buzzfeed saw a 69% jump during this time, and they were not the only
ones. In December 2013, Facebook gave us more insight.

"We've noticed that people enjoy seeing articles ... and so we're now paying
closer attention to what makes for high-quality content and how often articles
are clicked on ...

"Starting soon, we'll be doing a better job of distinguishing between a
high-quality article on a website versus a meme photo hosted somewhere other
than Facebook ... this means that high-quality articles you or others read may
show up a bit more prominently in your News Feed, and meme photos may show up a
bit less prominently."

(Is this the end of memes? Maybe so if Facebook gets its way)

The insight: Facebook is working to keep its users entertained with your

Your access: Leverage your Analytics prowess; you are an Analytics tiger!

Analyse your Facebook referral traffic comparing August-December 2013 with the
previous six-month period and the same period in 2012, and assess how much
impact the algorithm update had on your site. In the same article quoted above,
Facebook claims that they have increased the amount of traffic to media sites by
an average of 170%. If you did not see a significant jump it suggests that the
site is not sufficiently integrated into Facebook. The sort of numbers
referenced by Facebook (the 170%) are considerable, all publishers would love to
see traffic increases in this range, let this be your approach to re-evaluate
your Facebook strategy.

But wait, there's more

Beyond sending more traffic to publishers, Facebook is also working with
publishers to share the vast trove of data about what is trending so publishers
can incorporate it into their stories. Facebook's Public Feed API shares public
data and is open to anyone with the functionality. A second API, the Keyword
Insights API, is only available to a select number of news organisations. The
Keyword Insights API allows news organisations like CNN, Today Show, and BSkyB
access to programmatically search through Facebook's public data for anonymous
keyword data. This data can be sliced by gender, current city, and age range.
There are no plans yet to release it to a wider audience, but it seems
inevitable that (if successful) it will be rolled out in the future. (Note, an
email to Facebook about this has not yet been answered. I will update in the
comments if I hear more.)

The insight: other publishers are working with Facebook, if only in the sense
that they are incorporating new data sources for their users.

Your access: Shaming (gently!). Depending on the size of your client. The
Keyword Insights API isn't publicly available yet, but you can present
opportunities for anyone consistently producing content to get access to similar
data. For example, try Mass Relevance, a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer,
which can provide insights and trends from Facebook slicing data by a variety of
metrics, including device.

What publishers could be doing

Now we have a general sense of how some publishers are trying to grow, I've
also compiled a short list of some of the opportunities or ideas that have not
been mentioned thus far. This list is based on stealing ideas from other
industries, general common sense, and no small amount of wishful thinking.

1) Embracing Google products

Google's range of products is staggering. For publishers this can lead to
confusion about how to use the products available. To address this, Google has
created Google Media Tools, a valuable hub designed to demystify many of the
products in the roster, explaining everything from hot searches and trends to
Google Earth to Google Crisis Response, and references examples of how
publishers are using these products. For example, NBC Today uses Google Trends
each Monday to give viewers a sense of what was popular over the weekend. At the
Google For Media Summit, hosted earlier in January, attendees tweeted about BBC
News' integration with Hangouts.

Quick note: Make sure you get it right. This screengrab of a Google search
for "bbc news" is from 22nd August 2013, not 2001...

Clearly, it can be difficult to implement, but do not give up. Again,
referring to Dr Pete's slide deck, as Google products increasingly appear in the
search results, pure organic search results will be forced lower down the page.
Embrace Google's products to maximise your client's chances of staying on the
first page.

The insight: Competing for organic rankings is only ever going to get you so
far. (Again, Dr Pete said so!) Encourage clients to embrace the suite of Google
products out there, in the spirit of trying new things and also offering new
products to the end users.

Your access point: Your expertise. Most people do not differentiate between
Google Search, Google News, Google Local, Google Trends, etc. Anything to do
with an internet search engine is your domain.

Your second access point: Training.

Offer your clients and their writers training in using these new products. As
an experienced consultant, there will inevitably be a few training slide decks
or "best practices" guides in your past. Use this didactic approach to showcase
your knowledge and support the clients when they start to use them. As with the
BBC example above, it might not be perfect immediately, but persevere.

2) Planning for change

"The pace of technological change will not abate, and to think of our current
time as a transition between two eras, rather than a continuum of change is a
â Richard Gingras, Senior Director of News and Social Products at Google

The New York Times appears to have taken this advice seriously, for amidst the
redesign fanfare, the most important feature is the Times' decision to change
the back end. I interpret this as a commitment to the future; this fluidity is
admirable. As referenced in this Fast Co Labs summary of the redesign:

"The new system, however, is more dynamic. "We can continually iterate on the
site and take advantages of the trends as we see them happening, rather than
having to do a big unveil."

Insight: Change is the only constant. (this is probably true of more than just
technology used in the publishing industry)

Your access point: this will be the toughest sell of anything else recommended
in this post. Persuading clients that it is important to invest money in the
backend system without any proven ROI is difficult. I'd welcome any ideas in the
comments, but know this: It still has to be done. The best method I have so far
is to use sites like the New York Times as a case study. The theory being that
as they can present new ideas quickly, they get more press (possibly with
links), and maybe even more readers. By monitoring new products on The New York
Times and monitoring their search visibility using a tool like Searchmetrics,
you should hopefully see traffic growth. You can then present this data to your
clients. The good news is that you don't have to manually check the Times' site
everyday; instead, sign up for the free email digests from Mediagazer, as they
monitor new product developments.

3) Understanding paywall models

Paywalls are starting to work, and you can be certain that your clients will be
watching how competitors are starting to use them. As a consultant, it is
important that you understand the variety of paywalls out there and how to
implement them. These articles from SEO Book and Mashable are excellent
resources to get you started. Google also has some limited information about
using First Click Free, their solution for publishers wanting to charge for
their content whilst still appearing in the search results. The goal in this
instance is to develop an opinion on paywalls as well as an up-to-date idea of
how your competitors are using them (and if they are successful).

The insight: As paywalls are beginning to pay off, you will be asked about

Your access point: Forward planning. By researching ahead of time, you will be
ready with an opinion when asked (and you will be asked).

4) Putting their content to work

Publishers are in the enviable position of having plenty of content to play
with, however now it's a question of putting that content to work. Here are a
few ideas, some riskier than others.

i) Creating new page types

Creating new page types is a classic tactic to get more traffic. If this is
what your client is looking for, look at different ways of categorizing your

As referenced in Sara Wachter-Boettcher's Content Everywhere, the BBC Food
pages tried this approach in 2011 by introducing pages organizing their content
by recipe and also by ingredient. This led to an increase of 150,000 in organic
traffic, and overall traffic doubled to 1.3 million visitors.

The insight: New page types lead to more traffic

Your access point: Grounding the creative task of thinking of new page types
within standard information architecture best practices. Abby Covert,
Information Architect extraordinaire, explains it well: there are 5 methods of
categorizing. Use these as a starting point for inspiration when thinking about
how to group your client's content:

On this theme, I would love to see news publishers in particular tagging their
content with zip-codes. I think it would prove a useful resource for tourists,
anyone looking to rent or buy in an area, historians, and even schools. This
could become even more useful on portable devices if there was an opportunity to
tie news stories of particular importance into existing map products. But I'm
getting carried away.

Some news organisations are already trying new page types, the AP has,
frankly, had some fun experimenting with Archive page types to commemorate
pivotal moments in history, and has used its own images and stories to add to
the narrative.

ii) Partnering with new businesses

Partnering up with other businesses can be seen as risky because success
cannot be guaranteed. One option would be to partner up with some of the newer
content creation services on the market. LinkedIn has just bought Pulse, a
service that pulls in news it believes will be of interest to you based on your
LinkedIn profile.There is also the wistful Kennedy app, which automatically
supplies iPhone users with context when taking notes and writing deep thoughts.

Insight: Your client's content can live on in different formats.

Your access point: Introducing this and other like ideas to your client. In
terms of publishers, the opportunity lies in being part of the potential
newsfeed as it is a valuable branding opportunity. You might be able to generate
revenue from supplying products like this with your content.

5) Looking to other niches within publishing and adapting their best ideas.

The academic eBook publishing industry is in a stage of rapid change as it
moves beyond the basic eBooks into much more exciting enhanced eBook territory.
The broader industry themes are:

Socially-connected groups
Adaptive eBooks

Bookry, a Welsh company, is just one of the many companies out there building
interactive components for eBook. The company specializes in building widgets
that allow eBook users to play with data tables. This allows users to see how
positive coefficient correlation looks and how the data points, when changed,
change the graph. By allowing users to play around with the data, you make them
think about the material itself. The most obvious use is to improve educational
resources, but there's no reason why it couldn't be applied in a broader sense
for all publishers.

Socially-connected groups

The idea behind this is that eBook publishers are trying to encourage
commentary and interaction with the course material. Most publishers are already
offering social sharing as a matter of form, however some eBook publishers are
going one step further and developing products that allow all the comments,
notes and questions to be stored in the cloud, all in one place. This allows the
user to keep track of where she has interacted but also is useful for professors
looking to grade a student on the quantity and quality of her interactions. It
would be incredibly useful for users to track all comments and interactions in
one place, other than on the site of the comment.

Adaptive technology

McGraw Hill launched what they call Smartbooks last year, designed to assess
the reader's understanding of the material and then adapt it based on her
knowledge of the subject.

Another company, Knewton, based in New York, specialize in adaptive technology
and offer education publishers the opportunity to personalise the reading
experience. The effect on students' pass rates has been impressive, which
supports the idea that tailoring content to the user's comprehension boosts
retention. Any publisher or content-producing site looking to launch a body of
work for a large audience of differing ages might find these developments

This is an extremely top-level summary of some of the developments in the
eBook publishing sphere, as documented in the Digital Book World Conference held
last week in New York.

The insight: use developments in a related industry to inspire your clients,
in ebook publishing as per my example, the industry leaders are pushing ebook
content in new, exciting, immersive directions, adapt these ideas to suit your
customer's content.

Your access point: Your expert curation skills. By taking the time to
understand the broader industry trends, you can skim the very best ideas and
present them as opportunities to your client. If you assume responsibility for
industry developments, you save your clients time and headspace whilst also
expanding your sphere of influence.

Have you seen new publishing products, or been involved in building them? Do
you have any strong opinions about where content creation is heading next?
Please share in the comments below. In terms of reading around on this subject,
I've included a limited list of resources that I have found helpful.


Ebook Publishing - useful for quickly gleaming ebook industry trends

Future of StoryTelling - the best thing I watch; it covers the new ways to
tell stories

Understanding Media by Understand Google - a free and useful Coursera course
(sign up for the next semester!)


Tim O'Reilly - an ebook pioneer. He's thinking at least two years ahead.

Charlie Melcher - of Melcher media, founder of the Future of StoryTelling
mentioned above and also involved in Al Gore's Our Choice app, as referenced in
this Tedtalk.

Frank Rose - Frank Rose writes beautifully on immersive content, he will
inspire you to think about the role the audience plays in telling a story.

Tim Pool - now at Vice magazine. Tim's livestream of NY's Occupy Wall Street
has changed the perception of citizen journalism.

Jeff Jarvis - this post from 2008 has some thought provoking ideas.

Chris Danen - Fast Co Labs, tends to write about the future of media and often
brings in Fast Co examples.




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